Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Homehealth tipsPranayama - The Ultimate way of Breathing

Pranayama – The Ultimate way of Breathing

The concept of Yoga is based on various physical and breathing exercises. The breathing exercise is known as Pranayama. In general, prana means energy or breath and yama means discipline. It promotes proper breathing through various breath control techniques.

Yoga states that the breathing process should be slow and steady. In today’s hectic life schedule, we take more breaths, widely short, shallow and hurried. 

According to yoga, this type of breathing reduces the life span. This is the reason why Yoga breathing is slow, deep, not forced and not controlled. It is done along with yoga movements and is such a way to open and expand the body rather than restrict it.

The recent advancements in internet technologies have made it possible for people to learn Pranayama online. One just needs to get registered on any of the yoga sites and he or she can start learning yoga breathing exercises right in the comfort of home. 

Most people are being suffered by anxiety and in such cases, Pranayama brings steadiness which is the most important thing today.

We are prone to various ailments due to the fast life schedule and over stress. Yoga breathing helps prevent diseases and even aid in curing some minor health problems. 

It also helps remove the toxins from the body. It nourishes the skin and improves the blood circulation. All of these health benefits come from the oxygen that flows freely in the body.

The online health portals feature hi-definition yoga breathing videos and by following the described procedures one can practice different yoga breathing exercises comfortably. 

It is important to mention that these yoga breathing exercises are done by experts and you should follow the steps as given in the video.

To learn Pranayama online, you should have complete determination and self-confidence that is most important thing to make your life free and healthy.

Pranayama techniques for beginners

In this article, we will tell you about the technique, how to do pranayama for beginner, this technique would help you to get your health better.
Pranayama is the fourth limb of Astanga yoga, and is also called as the “Heart of Yoga.” Pranayama teaches us how to use our lungs to the optimum capacity; as a result of which, the cells in our body are able to get a sufficient quantity of oxygen.
Though there are about 20 pranayamas; some of the pranayamas which are easy, and can easily be practiced by beginners are as follows Sunhat pranayama, Pranava pranayama, Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma pranayama, Bhramari pranayama, and Sheetkari pranayama.
Sukha pranayama: This is the easiest of all the pranayamas. This is also called as deep abdominal breathing. Sukha pranayama is a great stress buster and a powerful mental tonic. It’s great pranayama for relieving stress, fear, worry, anxiety, and depression.
Technique: Sit down comfortably in a cross-legged posture, with your back straight, and chin parallel to the ground.
Gently close your eyes now. All you need to do here is to concentrate on your breath and the movement your abdomen; breathe-in to the count of 5 and breathe out to the count of 5. Keep your one hand over your abdomen so that you can feel the expansion and contraction as you inhale and exhale.
As you breathe in, your abdomen slowly expands, and as you breathe out your abdomen contracts. Do this pranayama for about 3 to 5 minutes; after don’t a couple of rounds of this pranayama, you shall feel quite peaceful and elated.
Anuloma Viloma pranayama: This is also called as the Alternate Nostril Breathing. Anuloma Viloma is beneficial in the treatment of various diseases including heart problems, high blood pressure, and blockages in the arteries, insomnia, panic disorders, and depression.
pranayama the ultimate way of breathing


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