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Homeweight loss tips7 Best fast healthy weight loss diet plan

7 Best fast healthy weight loss diet plan

What should  I do for a successful diet?  7 tips to lose 

weight in a healthy way

“I’m on a diet, but I’m having a hard time losing weight …”
There may be some people who are trying to lose weight and are worried that they will not lose weight as expected.
Also, there may be some people who have lost weight once but have rebounded.
A diet can only be said to be “successful” if it can maintain its weight after weight loss.
healthy weight loss diet plan

Unreasonable diets such as extreme dietary restrictions are not a good idea as they are more likely to rebound and risk damaging your health.
The key to a successful diet is to lose weight within a reasonable range while maintaining good health.
In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to lose weight and succeed in your diet.
table of contents
1.  1. What is a successful diet?
2. 7 Tips for a Successful Diet
Tip 1 Know the standard calorie intake
Tip 2 Eat dietary fiber
Tip 3: Do not eat after 21:00
Tip 4 Have a good breakfast
Tip 5 Get enough sleep
Tip 6 Burn body fat with aerobic exercise
Tip 7: Increase basal metabolism with muscle training
3. 3. Don’t go on an unreasonable diet! Adverse effects on the body
3-1. Easy to rebound
3-2. Maybe malnourished
3-3. May cause eating disorders
4. summary

1. 1. What is a successful diet?

Some people may feel irritated or depressed while they are on a diet without losing weight.
how to lose weight quickly diet plan
But don’t overdo it just because you want to get results quickly.
A diet can only be “successful” if you can maintain your weight after losing weight.
Even if you can lose weight once, if you rebound, your efforts will become a bubble of water.
To maintain weight after weight loss, it is necessary to change lifestyle habits so that you can continue to look at it in the long run, rather than trying to lose weight in a short period.

2. 7 Tips for a Successful Diet

“In fact, what can I do to make my diet successful?”
“I was exercising with calorie restriction somehow, but it may be inefficient …”
I think some people are worried like this.
For healthy weight loss, it is important to improve your normal lifestyle and keep going.
Here are seven tips for a successful diet.
Tip 1 Know the standard calorie intake
You all know that excessive calorie intake leads to obesity.
To promote an efficient and healthy diet, it is important to know the standard calorie intake per day and to take an appropriate calorie intake.
Calories are essentially a unit that expresses how much food and drink can be used as energy for the body. Since 1 cal (1 calorie) is very small, kcal (kilocalorie), which is 1,000 times that amount, is generally used as a unit.
Calories that cannot be used up as energy are stored in the body as fat, which leads to obesity, so it is necessary to reduce the calories ingested to the calories burned in the diet.
However, there may be some people who somehow limit calories without knowing their calories burned.
Without proper calorie restriction, you may not be able to replenish your body with the energy it needs, or you may not be able to go on a diet efficiently.
Let’s start by deciding the standard calorie intake per day.
For an average physique, the estimated daily calories burned by gender, age group, and physical activity level are as follows.

What is the physical activity level?

Physical activity level is an index that shows how much activity you are doing in a day, such as an exercise and daily life. It is divided into 3 stages according to the intensity of activity, and the required calories vary depending on the applicable level.
Tip 2 Eat dietary fiber
Active dietary fiber intake is also considered effective.
Dietary fiber is a component that cannot be digested by human digestive enzymes contained in food and is roughly divided into water-soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber.
You all know that dietary fiber has the function of adjusting the condition of the stomach.
In addition, dietary fiber has the function of adsorbing lipids, sugars, and salts (sodium) and excreting them from the body, so it can be expected to be effective in preventing and improving obesity.
In addition, dietary fiber has a low calorie of 0 to 2 kcal * 1 per gram, and foods containing a large amount of dietary fiber are chewy and easy to get a feeling of fullness.
weight loss diet tips

It can be said that it is a reassuring ally on a diet.
It is said that many modern Japanese people have a dietary habit of lacking dietary fiber.
It is rarely contained in meat and fish but is abundant in vegetables, fruits, seaweeds, etc., so be sure to actively consume these foods.
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s “Japanese Dietary Intake Standards (2020 Edition)”, it is recommended that men aged 18 to 64 should consume 21 g or more of dietary fiber and women should consume 18 g or more of dietary fiber * 1.
The following foods are high in dietary fiber.
Tip 3: Do not eat after 21:00
“It’s easy to get fat if you eat late at night”
It is often called.
Avoiding eating and drinking late at night is one of the tips of dieting.
At night, the amount of protein called “BMAL1”, which has the function of storing fat, increases.
This protein is secreted especially between 22:00 and 2:00 * 2.
Avoid eating after 21:00 with plenty of time to allow time for digestion.
Also, if you have time from lunch to dinner, you may end up eating too fast or eating too much from hunger.
In recent years, it has become clear that not only overeating but also fast eating is associated with obesity * 3.
If dinner is delayed due to work reasons, you can prevent overeating by eating a light snack in the evening.
Calculate from your own calorie intake and devise ways such as reducing the amount of energy you take during snacks.
* 3 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare e-Health Net “Relationship between fast eating and obesity-often” chewing “and” chewing “food”
Tip 4 Have a good breakfast
Eating breakfast well is also considered important for dieting.
If you skip breakfast and do not eat anything for a long time between dinner and lunch the day before, your blood sugar level will drop due to lack of energy, and you may end up eating too much at lunch due to hunger, or blood sugar. The value may rise sharply.
It is thought that a rapid rise in blood sugar levels increases the secretion of a hormone called “insulin” and makes it easier to store fat.
What is insulin
It is a type of hormone secreted by the pancreas in response to an increase in blood sugar levels. Insulin has the effect of keeping the blood sugar level constant by taking sugar in the blood into cells and using it as energy, but at the same time, it promotes the function of storing sugar that could not be used as energy as fat.
When the blood sugar level rises sharply, a large amount of insulin is secreted and fat synthesis becomes active.
Eat breakfast well to prevent blood sugar spikes.
Let’s finish the dinner lightly so that we can have a good breakfast. Meals before bed are difficult to digest, and if you have food left in your stomach, you will not feel like eating breakfast.
Tip 5 Get enough sleep
“Is sleep related to diet?”
I think some of you may have wondered.
At first glance, it may seem irrelevant, but research has shown that “lack of sleep makes it easier to gain weight.”
It is known that if you sleep for 4 hours for 2 days, the number of hormones that suppress appetite decreases, and on the contrary, the number of hormones that increase appetite increases * 4…
The effect of lack of sleep extends to unexpected places, isn’t it?
Try to get enough sleep, especially while you are on a diet.
* 4 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare e-Health Net “Deep relationship between sleep and lifestyle-related diseases”
Tip 6 Burn body fat with aerobic exercise
The basis of a diet is to reduce calories ingested to less than calories burned.
It is very important not only to properly control the calorie intake but also to move the body to increase calorie consumption.
Calories burned to vary depending on your physical constitution, so when you lose weight, the calories burned will decrease accordingly. Therefore, it is thought that the difference between calorie intake and calorie consumption will eventually disappear with a diet with only calorie restriction, and weight loss will stop.
Especially, aerobic exercise has a body fat-burning effect, so it is perfect for those who want to reduce body fat.
What is aerobic exercise?
It is a relatively light exercise that uses blood sugar and body fat as well as oxygen as an energy source to move muscles.
Aerobic exercises include walking, cycling, aerobics dancing, swimming, and aquatics.
If you continue to lack exercise, start by moving your body little by little so that you don’t overdo it.
Tip 7: Increase basal metabolism with muscle training
“Does aerobic exercise good for burning body fat mean that strength training has no effect on the diet?”
Some people may be worried.
Muscle training, which puts a heavy load on the muscles, is also considered to be effective for dieting, so it is recommended to do it in combination with aerobic exercise.
Muscle training can be expected to have the effect of increasing “basal metabolism”.
What is basal metabolism?
It is the minimum number of calories burned to maintain life, such as breathing, heartbeat, and maintaining body temperature when you are still without doing anything.
Since basal metabolism is greatly affected by the ratio of muscles, it is thought that strengthening muscles with strength training increases the calories burned when doing nothing.
If you want to know what kind of muscle training you should do and how much, please see this article.
3. 3. Don’t go on an unreasonable diet! Adverse effects on the body
Maybe some people are overdoing it while they are on a diet because they want to lose weight faster and lose more weight.
However, since there is a risk of becoming difficult to lose weight or getting sick, it is forbidden to lose weight rapidly by limiting the amount of food you eat.
Let’s aim for healthy weight loss without rushing.
Here are some of the negative effects that can be caused by an unreasonable diet.
3-1. Easy to rebound
If you are on an unreasonable diet, such as with extreme dietary restrictions, you will be more likely to rebound when you stop dieting.
There is also the problem of becoming more difficult to lose weight.
Dieting with extreme dietary restrictions reduces not only body fat but also muscle.
When you lose muscle mass, your basal metabolism goes down, and you burn fewer calories when you do nothing.
Don’t just rely on dietary restrictions, try to exercise moderately.
3-2. Maybe malnourished
Extreme dietary restrictions can lead to malnutrition due to the inability to supply enough nutrients to the body.
Women with menstruation tend to be deficient in iron, especially due to an unbalanced diet.
Iron deficiency and associated anemia can cause symptoms such as tiredness and tiredness, as well as stunted growth.
Other nutrients that are essential for maintaining good health may be deficient.
It is important to have a balanced diet while you are on a diet so as not to damage your health.
If you want to know about a balanced diet, please see this article.
3-3. May cause eating disorders
“I have to eat less to lose weight …”
Too much nervousness may cause eating disorders.
Typical eating disorders include “anorexia nervosa (anorexia nervosa)” and “bulimia nervosa”.
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by being extremely afraid of gaining weight, avoiding eating, and becoming extremely thin.
Binge eating, on the other hand, occurs several times a week for several months, but at the same time, vomiting and laxatives may be used to prevent weight gain.
Chronic eating disorders can lead to a variety of health problems, including low blood pressure, arrhythmias, and, in women, amenorrhea.
Eating disorders can be caused by a strong desire to lose weight, as well as mental stress and other factors.
Be careful not to think that you want to lose weight more than you need to, or to accumulate stress.
4. summary
A diet can only be “successful” if you can maintain your weight after losing weight.
Rapid weight loss, such as due to extreme dietary restrictions, can easily rebound and can have adverse health effects and should never be done.
For a successful diet, it is important to calculate calories, eat a nutritionally balanced diet regularly, and exercise moderately.
7 day diet plan for weight loss

Also, try to get enough sleep.
Please aim for healthy weight loss based on the tips introduced in this article.

Note- The information provided on this page is for general purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. All the content provided on this page is my own creativity.
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