Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Homehealth tipsStretching For Back Pain

Stretching For Back Pain

Stretching For Back Pain is an article that suggests an alternative form of exercise from Pilates and explains the differences between these two types of exercise.
The main difference between Pilates and individual stretches is that the whole body is taken into consideration when doing Pilates and not just individual body parts.  
The Pilates instructor usually first meets with his or her client so that the both of them can assess what is going on either in terms of postural instability and/or muscle imbalance.  
Stretching simply concentrates on the different parts of the body or muscle groups and stretches them out for a certain number of repetitions.
By both strengthening and strengthening the muscles of you stomach, back, thighs and core you can help to reduce or alleviate problems that you may be having with back pain.   Below are some helpful exercises that are specifically directed toward strengthening your aching back.  
Remember that it is very important that you discuss any exercise program with your doctor before beginning a stretching program.  Soon your aching back will feel better again.   Wall Slides   • Stand up straight and tall with your back against a hard surface such as a wall and your feet a shoulder’s width apart
7 stretching for back pain

• Slowly bend at the knees and slide your back down the wall.  Keep sliding for a count of 5 or until your knees are bent at an angle of 45 degrees.
• Stay in this position for 5 seconds
• Begin to straighten your knees for a count of 5 and slide up the wall until your knees are in a straight position
• Repeat the above steps for 5 repetitions
• Do this stretching exercise three times a day   Prone Leg Raises   • Begin by lying flat on your stomach
• First lift one leg off the floor and raise it 2 feet in the air
• Hold this position for 10 seconds
• Relax
• Then repeat this process with the opposite leg
• Repeat these steps for five more repetitions
• Do this exercise three times a day   Supine Leg Raises   • Begin by lying flat on your back
• Lift one leg off the floor and raise it 2 feet in the air
• Hold this position for 10 seconds
• Relax
• Then repeat this process with the opposite leg
• Repeat these steps for five more repetitions
• Do this exercise three times a day   Semi Sit Ups   • Assume the normal sit-up position, that isFree Reprint Articles, lying flat on your back and have your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
• Only raise your head and shoulders off the floor
• Hold this position for 10 seconds
• Relax and return your head and shoulders to floor
• Repeat these steps for five more repetitions
• Do this exercise three times a day   Standing Back Stretch   • Stand in an upright position with your feet a shoulder’s length apart
• Put your hands in that hollow spot in your back called the small of your back
• Bend back slowly as far as you can tolerate it while keeping your knees straight
• Keep holding this position for 5 seconds
• Relax
• Repeat these steps five more times
• Do this stretching exercise three times a day   There are a range of DVD’s on sale at 

Note- The information provided on this page is for general purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. All the content provided on this page is my own creativity.

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