Monday, February 3, 2025
Homeweight loss tipsThe Best way To Lose Weight Fast In 3 Steps

The Best way To Lose Weight Fast In 3 Steps

Losing weight fast is a relative idea. Not so fast that you risk losing muscle mass in the process, not so slow that it takes you forever to get visible results when you can do it quicker. Also by weight you need to focus your attention on actual fat tissue, not generic weight (fat and water).
There is a great deal of talk about the best way to shed those unwanted extra pounds fast and effectively, some ideas are good but overly complicated and unpractical to implement (like bodybuilders’ style 6 small meals a day), others are just hype preying on people’s need to shed extra weight at any cost.
As often as it happens in life, simplicity turns out to be your best friend, making nonsense of all the extra data and unnecessary complications that create more problems and aggravations than the ones they are supposed to cure.
Keep it basic and simple and stay to the core of body physiology and you are on the right track to crack the code of effective and comparatively fast fat burning process.
That you need to eat less calories than the ones you spend is no mystery. This is the way your body will go into catabolic state, forcing it to open the door to your fat storage and take the calories it needs from there. However, how many calories and what to eat for this situation to happen is often made overly complicated while all you need is to stick to 3 generic foundation principles.
1 – Keep Insulin levels low. Insulin is an important hormone with significant impact on fat storage and fat burning depending on its levels in your body. The higher the level, the greater the fat storage and the inability of your body to make use of your body fat to burn calories. The lower the level, the easier for your body to access fat storage and burn it, rather than using food.
weight loss tips for women 2022

So the key is keeping insulin levels down and steady to encourage your body to draw the calories it needs from your adipose (fat) tissue reservoir. How do you do that? Simple: avoid carbohydrates and sugar. The main reason for the global overweight/obese trend mostly comes down not just to over eating, but mostly to eating too many sugars and carbs.
What happens is when they enter your blood stream they create a spike in insulin levels which prevent your body from using your extra fat. This means that even if you are dieting and take in less calories than you should, you will never burn fat and reduce body weight if you keep eating rice, pasta, pizzas, let alone sugary drinks, cakes, candies even if you eat less of those.
What you should do is avoiding them altogether so as to lower your insulin levels constantly. High insulin levels are a recent disaster in history on mankind associated with the easy availability of carbs and sugars in industrial quantities. Not so long ago our ancestors did not have access to unhealthy amounts of carbs and sugars, as a results they were lean and athletic.
2 – Replace carbs and sugars with proteins, vegetables and fats, yes fats. By the time you cut your body off carbs, it will be forced to get the missing calories it needs from your fat storage. However, do keep your diet high in proteins from sources like chicken, beef, fish, eggs to make sure your muscles have all they need for replenishment, especially if you workout, but not only.
Always accompany your proteins with plentiful portions of vegetables like lettuce, salads, cauliflower, broccoli and the likes. Vegetables contain all the vitamins, minerals and fibers your body needs but they only make up for a tiny fraction of your calorie intake, even in great quantities. Not only that, they are also bulky and naturally full of water, so they will make your stomach feel full, preventing over eating.
Last but not least on the list are fats. 
Fats may seem counter-intuitive since you are trying to lose fat, but as we have seen, it is carbs and sugars the felons causing you to be overweight, not fats. Carbs and sugars are much more easily converted into fat than fat itself, causing the double negative effect of not only being stored as extra fat, but also spiking up insulin levels sky high, which in turn prevent your body from burning the very same extra fat storage they have caused in the first place. A self feeding vicious circle.
Instead, fats like olive oil, fish oil and nuts are rich in calories that cannot be converted into fat while dieting in no carbs and no sugar mode because your body is already burning its fat reservoir thanks to low insulin levels and because fats are harder to convert into fat than fats themselves. Instead they will provide a steady, slow source of energy levels in addition to protein and vegetable intake.
3 – Listen to your body. With the basics of your diet structured around more proteins, more fats, more vegetables and little or no carbs and sugars, you body will be primed to work at its best, restoring its functions at the natural levels they are supposed to work. As a consequence of low insulin levels, your appetite will naturally decrease without suffering any energy drops since repeated bouts of hunger were more the result of excessive consumption of unnecessary or excessive carbs and sugars resulting in low energy levels once digested.
The Best way To Lose Weight Fast In 3 Steps

Your weight loss rate will naturally ten to be faster at the beginning of such restructured diet when you are more over weight, less and less so as your body fat levels will decrease. The more over weight you are, the more calorie deficit you can afford, the less over weight you are, the more food you can afford to eat until you reach balance point with a low body fat, notwithstanding you keep the low carbs, high proteins, fat and veg ideas outlined above and do not fall for carbs and sugars again.

Note- The information provided on this page is for general purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. All the content provided on this page is my own creativity.
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