Sunday, February 23, 2025




Nearly every man and woman desire long, thick, and strong hair. Hair loss is a common problem with men and women across the world. A partial or complete loss of hair or lack of growth of hair leads to baldness. Baldness is a common disease in men. However, many women are now infected by this disease. 

Baldness causes your hair to fall off much and your face grows older. This causes you to worry and lose confidence. Baldness becomes an obsession for you. Therefore, finding the cause and treatment of baldness is always considered a necessity for many people.

Some people who are conscious about their hair immediately resort to preventive measures. Others who do not care about it eventually end up being bald or with patches. In most of the cases, people resort to gels, creams, oral medications, etc. 

But there are home remedies that have given promising results to many men and women without leaving any side effects. The ingredients are completely natural and easily available in our homes. These home remedies can not only prevent hair loss, but also can even promote hair growth, strength, and shine.

Here we will share basic information on the cause of baldness, and find the best treatment for you, so that you can quickly regain your confidence.


 Hair loss is a normal process that anyone encounters at any age. A normal human being can lose nearly 100 hair strands per day without any significant worry; however, losing more than 200 on a regular basis should attract immediate attention. Hair fall, if within normal limits, is a regular process. 

As new hair grows, old ones give way by falling off. Usually, lost hair is replaced by new ones from the same hair follicle.However, there are cases of hair loss too much that many people feel anxious.

Baldness is also called Alopecia Androphenetic. This is a disease that is primarily caused by genetic factors. Baldness can occur in both men and women. Previously, this disease mainly occurred to men. However, many women now suffer from this disease. This is caused by many different causes. 

To cure this disease, the treatment process requires your patience because it is very time-consuming. Nowadays, baldness is becoming an obsession for many people, even when they are under the age of 30. Baldness is the second stage of hair loss. In this case, the hair is falling off a lot, so there is not enough hair to cover the scalp area as usual.

If you suffer from excessive hair loss without the ability to grow back, then you are suffering from baldness. At first, you can see a hairline in the forehead is retracted and the first bald spots appear with hair becoming thinner. This is quite difficult to treat. Early detection and treatment of disease are very important. 


 Men or women may have baldness, but the incidence of men is higher than that of women. There are many causes of baldness, some most common are given below:

1.      Heredity :

It is one of the most common causes of hair loss, at least in men. Mostly, men who turn bald and experience excessive hair loss in their 40s have a history of baldness in their family. One statistic indicates that the genetic factor is the cause of baldness for 95% of patients with the disease. 

People whose parents have hair loss and baldness are at higher risk for this disease than normal people. Because the genes that cause this baldness to predominate, this genetic rate is extremely high. There is nothing much that can be done for this type of hair loss, though.

2.   Stress :

When you are in severe stress, your body can produce special hormones that disrupt blood flow, and slow down the growth of hair. That is one of the causes of baldness. It is said that more a person is stress, more are his/her chances of losing hair. It also includes lack of sleep, insomnia, restlessness, and many other factors. Stress can clearly show up on your hair health.

3.      Dihydrotestosterone(DHT) :

In middle-aged men, testosterone levels decline, the body increases DHT production, resulting in excessive hair loss. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of the male hormone testosterone, is the enemy of hair follicles on your head. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. 

Scientists now believe that it’s not the amount of circulating testosterone that’s the problem but the level of DHT binding to receptors in scalp follicles.  DHT shrinks hair follicles, making it impossible for healthy hair to survive.

The hormonal process of testosterone converting to DHT, which then harms hair follicles, happens in both men and women. Under normal conditions, women have a minute fraction of the level of testosterone that men have, but even a lower level can cause DHT- triggered hair loss in women. 

In premenopausal women or after childbirth, the change of hormones in the body disturbs the balances between DHT and Testosterone levels. This is the reason why women often suffer from multiple hair loss at this time.

4.      Hormonal Imbalance :

A person can also experience hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Generally, during pregnancy, women go through hormonal changes, which trigger hair loss for a particular period. Female pattern baldness tends to happen when a woman experiences hormonal shifts, like the peak of estrogen followed by a sudden dip after childbirth. 

Or when the early phases of menopause hit in the late 40s or early 50s. If you have an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), you are more prone to hair fall. Diabetics decrease blood circulation in your hair follicles leading to malnourishment and fall of hair. Extended stress leads to high cortisol levels which are another cause of hair loss.

5.      Medical Treatment :

People undergoing medical treatment can experience hair loss. However, the loss can be reversible, it takes a toll on the whole head once. People on chemotherapy can end up losing all their hair. Similar is with birth control pills and many high-strength antibiotics. 

The use of certain medications such as antidepressants, the drug contains lots of vitamin A, gut medications, and drugs for cancer, chemotherapy, radiation therapy can cause hair loss, thereby leading to baldness.

6.      Some Other Diseases :

Baldness can also be caused by lupus and diabetes. The reason is that these diseases will cause the scalp to become infected, making hair difficult to grow strong. Hair cannot grow healthily, the hair also falls off a lot, and this leads to baldness.

7.      Improper Diet :

A proper diet is very essential to have good quality hair. Insufficient/improper diet is one of the largest causes of hair fall in adolescents and adults. Many nutritional deficiencies can result in hair fall. Lack of proper nourishment can render hair brittle, dry, kinky, and split-ends. 

Therefore, it is very essential to have a proper and balanced diet to have good quality hair and prevent hair loss. Deficiency of nutrients like vitamin A, B12, B6, folic acid, vitamin C, biotic, copper, iron, zinc, etc. can cause hair fall. Hair fall can also be a sign of vitamin A toxicity and deficiency. Protein, iron, omega – 3, biotin are some other essential substances for the development of hair.

8.      Age :

Generally, with age, hair fall. As a person ages, the scalp loses its grip on hair, which results in hair loss. Generally, male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness are both results of age-related hair loss.

9.      Chemicals :

Use of harmful chemicals in the form of dyes, shampoos, colors, etc. can result in hair fall. The cause of baldness may also be due to the misuse of shampoo, the use of poor quality shampoo. Harsh chemicals are harmful to hair in any case. Not only these chemicals damage present hair but they also inhibit further growth of hair. Therefore, it is suggested to avoid the use of harsh, harmful chemicals, dyes, colors on hair.

10.Pollution :

Exposure to pollution can also result in hair fall. There are places in which the amount of pollution is too much in the environment, especially in industrial belts. Also, when hair follicles get exposed to pollution constantly, their quality deteriorates and they fall.

11.Other Causes :

Some other causes of hair loss can be trauma, tumors, syphilis, connective tissue diseases, infections of the scalp, improper hair care, over-brushing, etc. An immune problem known as alopecia areata can also cause loss of hair from eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, and other parts of the body.

Bad habits are also the “culprit” to promote baldness in many people. Some common habits that lead to baldness are; smoking and spitting hair. In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, early baldness also originates from a number of other causes such as fungal infection or environmental pollution. 


Baldness is a sign of unhealthy hair and can be prevented by adopting the following measures:
]  Keep hair clean. It will prevent dandruff, itching, and hair lice, which ultimately result in hair fall.
]  Use protein-rich shampoos and conditioners. Use shampoo, conditioner based on hair type.
]  Get a regular head massage at least twice a month with lukewarm oil.
]  Wet hair has weak roots. Never comb hair when wet.
]  Avoid constant use of drying machines. Keep hair wrapped in a towel and let them dry naturally.
]  Eat a healthy diet including green vegetables, dairy products, and fruits.
]  Drink coconut water to prevent hair fall.
]  Avoid stress and tension and get adequate sleep.
]  Avoid harsh clips or bands. Avoid tight hairstyles. Tie your hair with soft and loose bands.
]  Protect hair from dust and sun. Cover head while going out in direct sunlight.


Here some are the easy tips TO GET RID OF FOR BALDNESS / HAIR LOSS naturally at home.

1. Coconut Milk And Oil

Coconut milk is rich in vital nutrients and vitamins and promotes hair growth. Regular application of coconut milk into hair roots can help a great deal in preventing hair loss. Daily application of refined coconut oil mixed with lime water and lime juice on the hair can prevent hair loss. It can also promote hair growth. This will help in effectively healing your scalp as well as fight dandruff and thereby arrests hair fall.
v  Apply a mixture of about 20 ml of coconut oil, 10 ml of Amla oil, and one or two teaspoons of lemon juice on your scalp and leave it there for some time.
v  Coconut milk can be prepared by grinding coconut shavings and squeezing them well.
v  Apply it on your scalp will provide the necessary natural nourishments for your hair and will also help in nourishing your hair tissues.

2. Massaging Regularly With Basic Oils

Massaging your hair and scalp with lukewarm basic oils like amla oil, coconut oil, almond oil or even olive oil will help in stimulating your hair follicles and prevent the scalp from developing dandruff. The exercise will activate the sebaceous glands and improve circulation of blood across the scalp.
v  Take a generous amount of hair oil and apply it evenly on your scalp and hair.
v  Massage the hair oil on your scalp and hair for ten minutes. Leave it on your hair for 15 minutes and then you can wash it off with shampoo or mild soap.
v  Scalp should be rubbed vigorously until it starts to tingle with the heat.
v  Repeat this scalp and hair massage treatment at least three to four times a day to prevent baldness.
v  You can occasionally also apply coconut or amla oil on your head generously before going to bed to help in improving blood circulation on your scalp as well as relieve you’re from stress and strain.

3. Fenugreek Seeds And Oil

Fenugreek Seeds for Baldness

v  Fry a few fenugreek seeds in coconut oil for a few minutes.
v  Strain this mixture and apply it in minimal amounts on your head.
v  Rub it gently on your head so that it reaches the hair roots.
v  Apply this mixture three to four times a week before bathing will help in preventing your hair from balding.

4. Mustard Oil with Henna Leaves

Mustard oil when boiled with henna leaves gains properties that are highly beneficial for hair growth. Henna leaves have been used to treat hair loss and to give color and shine to hair for ages in India.
v  Boil about 250 ml of mustard oil and add about 60 grams of henna leaves into it gradually.
v  Filter the oil from leaves and store it.
v  Make this mixture cool and then mix the strained oil with the regular hair oil that you use. It would be better to mix this with coconut oil for better results.
v  Apply on your scalp and hair twice or thrice a week to see effective results against baldness.
Regular and long-term usage shows amazing results.

5. Onion Treatment

Onions are found to be effective in treating patchy baldness.

v  Cut white or red big onions in half and rub the open side on the affected area both in the morning and evening.
v  Keep on rubbing till the area becomes red.
v  Then rub the area with honey and repeat this process daily to see reduced baldness.

6. Amla Oil

Regular head massage with amla oil can be very beneficial in preventing further hair loss. Amla has properties that promote hair growth by activating the underlying tissues in the scalp. Moreover, it acts as a valuable hair tonic. You can either use amla oil available in the market or prepare your own in-home.

v  Cut dry pieces of amla and boil it in good coconut oil.
v  Let this mixture cool and then strain the mixture into an airtight bottle.
v  Apply this oil on your head daily and leave it on your scalp for 15 minutes before bathing.
This will help in enriching hair growth.

7. Lettuce And Spinach

spinach help in preventing hair loss

Lettuce and spinach help in preventing hair loss. According to experts, a mixture of lettuce and spinach juice can help with hair growth if taken to the extent to half a liter a day.
v  Make a smooth paste of lettuce and spinach in a blender.
v  Extract the juice from this mixture and apply it in the bald area.
v  Leave it rest for some time and then wash it off. Repeat this process four times a week to see good benefits.
v  You can also see very good results if you drink half a liter of this juice every day.

8. Rosemary And Sage

Rosemary helps to keep hair healthy and lush.
v  Mix rosemary and sage in coconut oil or even coconut milk and apply it in the affected areas of your head.
v  Leave it there for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off.
v  Add one part of rosemary oil to two parts of almond oil and massage into the scalp gently for around 15 minutes a day on a regular basis.
v  Repeat this process four times a day for a few weeks to get rid of bald patches.

9.  Egg

Hair is made up of proteins and amino acids, and a great source of these are eggs which have proteins, fatty acids, and vitamins. Not only do eggs help curb and prevent hair loss, but they are also an excellent hair growth aid.

v  Apply beaten egg on your scalp at least two to three times a week to help in promoting hair growth.

v  It works even better when mixed with olive oil.

Foods To Prevent Hair Loss And Baldness

Hair health depends a lot on a person’s diet. In most cases, hair loss is triggered by an improper diet. Generally, people under-nourish themselves when it comes to eating. They do not care about the proper balance of nutrients in their diet. People with a tendency to lose hair should take a well-balanced and complete diet.

Here are some Foods To Prevent Hair Loss And Baldness and maintain healthy hair:

1.     Protein

Hair is made almost entirely of protein. Consuming enough is important for hair growth. Animal studies show that protein deficiency may decrease hair growth and even lead to hair loss.

2.     Reducing Red Meat Intake

One of the major causes of hair loss is sebum blocking the hair follicles and pores. Certain studies have shown a positive connection between animal fat intake and an increase in sebum production. This means that cutting down on your red meat will help lower that sebum level and allow unhindered hair growth.

3.     Biotin Boost

The best known vitamin for hair growth is a B-vitamin called biotin. Studies link biotin deficiency with hair loss in humans. Although biotin is used as an alternative hair-loss treatment, those who are deficient have the best results. 

However, a deficiency is very rare because it occurs naturally in a wide range of foods. There’s also a lack of data about whether biotin is effective for hair growth in healthy individuals.

4.    Thyroid Health

As discussed  earlier hormonal imbalances are a big cause of hair loss, so maintaining proper hormonal activity is important to keep your hair healthy as you get older, but also while you’re young! 

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, one way to increase your iodine levels is to add sea vegetables like kelp, nori, kombu, and wakame. Make sure to eat them regularly to increase your thyroid hormone production.


 If you have baldness, and you apply the remedies mentioned in this article for a long time without any results, see your doctor. Besides, if your hair loss happens too quickly for a short period of time, see your doctor for a direct examination. You may have a more dangerous disease.

You have discovered some information about baldness. To overcome this condition, many people have come to the hair salon. This takes a lot of money and time. Meanwhile, with the natural home remedies for baldness, you can do it for yourself.

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