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HomeyogaBest Yoga Poses To Cure Diabetes At Home

Best Yoga Poses To Cure Diabetes At Home

Best Yoga Poses To Cure Diabetes At Home

Best Yoga Poses To Cure Diabetes At Home

Do you want to get rid of diabetes permanently and forever? Yoga is the only solution for the permanent treatment of diabetes. The number of diabetic patients is increasing day by day and diabetes is becoming a common problem. 

Though there are many medicines available in the market for diabetes, with all this, permanent treatment of diabetes is not possible. Yoga not only helps you to eradicate diabetes but also help you to deal with many other physical and psychological problems. 
Regular practice of yoga helps you to get rid of diabetes and modulates your metabolic rate to maintain proper blood sugar level. Diabetes has multiple causes like sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, eating junk food and above all stress. 
These all point out to our lifestyle. Correcting our lifestyle along with medicines also holds an important place in its control. Yoga is not only a type of exercise but also take care of our lifestyle, make us stress-free and help in proper absorption and metabolism of the food.
Diabetes occurs when there is a lack of insulin hormone in the body or irregularity in its formation. Yoga improves metabolic activities by stimulating the organs. This implies that the chemical conversions within a cell are been carried out more efficiently. 
This makes yoga an extremely beneficial exercise for one who is suffering from diabetes -a physiological disorder that occurs due to lack of insulin production by the pancreas or improper cell response to insulin, resulting in a large number of metabolic imbalances involving the utilization and regulation of insulin and glucose (sugar) in the body. 
Weight loss, excess hunger, thirst, fatigue, frequent infections, late healing of wound, palpitations, all these are signs of diabetes.
Medical science has also confirmed that yoga plays a big role in preventing and managing diabetes. With the help of some yoga postures, blood flow to pancreatic beta cells (cells that secretes insulin) increases; cells get more oxygen and better nutrients. 
These beta cells are rejuvenated to produce more insulin. The insulin sensitivity also increases with the practice of right yoga postures.
Several studies have established that practicing certain yoga asanas such as Ardha Matsyendrasana (half-twist pose) combined with Dhanurasana (bow pose), Vakrasana (twisted pose), Matsyendrasana (half-spinal twist), Halasana (plough pose) compresses and squeezes the abdomen and helps to stimulate the pancreatic hormonal secretion. 
This rejuvenates the insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells in diabetic patients suffering from both type-1 and 2-diabetes. Consequently, more insulin comes into the system. Stress is an important cause of diabetes. Therefore, practicing meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques) along with these postures helps most patients to relax and control the triggers or causes of diabetes. 

Effect of Asanas Over High-Intensity Workout

A study conducted by S A Ramaiah in Washington, compared the effects of high-intensity exercise such as static cycling, jogging on a treadmill, walking, with yoga asanas such as Bakasana (standing crane), Upavishta Bakasana (sitting crane) and Dhanurasana. 
It was observed that these asanas were the most effective as they helped to rejuvenate the capacity to produce insulin and stimulate the hormonal secretion from the pancreas. 
They also enhance toning of abdominal viscera (muscles and internal organs) by strengthening the back muscles. The balancing act performed in Bakasana improves coordination between the pituitary gland and pancreas.

I. Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)

Beside asanas, pranayama (breathing exercises) especially kapalbati (one-time inhale; exhale 30 to 50 times quickly) and anulom vilom (alternate nostril breathing) is extremely beneficial. Pranayama is considered a sure-fire stress buster. In fact, if you are searching for mental and emotional healing, or just want to de-stress and relax, there is no therapist quite like your own breath!

Anulom vilom

Anulom vilom: Anulom vilom pranayama that facilitating homeostasis (internal equilibrium in the function of all the systems), is found useful in diabetes as the alternate nostril breathing has calming effects on the nervous system. This helps in diabetes treatment by managing the stress levels.


Kapalbhati: On the other hand, Kapalbhati, stimulates the pancreas to release the insulin hormone, thus controlling diabetes. Pranayama calms the mind, thus synchronizing the interaction between the pancreas and the pituitary gland. These practices balance the Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) that in turn helps stabilize sugar levels.
Eat a yogic diet that is high in fiber, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes to complements the regimen. This is recommended to stabilize blood sugar level and lose excess weight.
Bear in mind 
·        Do not forget to monitor glucose levels under the supervision of a physician, and take appropriate medication as prescribed, throughout the programme.
·        Practice yoga for 40 to 60 minutes in the morning and evening with the recommended series of postures according to your capacity.
·        Depending on the posture and capacity of the person, the maintenance period of postures must be increased gradually from five seconds to a minute, or even longer.
·        Remember to focus on your breathing throughout the maintenance period of the posture. 

II. Yoga for Diabetes

Here HEALTHY and FITNESS referring the method of  5 key yoga poses that will not only prevent diabetes but help to get rid of it forever.

1. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

Helps stimulate the hormonal secretion of the pancreas. 
Ø Stand straight with your knees, legs and hand held straight. Keep your feet close to each other. 
Ø Bring your right foot and keep it on your left thigh making a right angle. If you feel problem to keep your foot on the thigh, keep it in a comfortable position on the left leg so that you can maintain balance. At this position, your right toe should point downwards and your body balance should be on your left leg.
Ø Join your palms keeping the figures pointing upwards. Bring them to the middle of your chest. Slowly raise your arms over your head bending your arms slightly.
Ø Stand straight at this position for about 10 seconds looking forward.
Ø Breathe normally and try to be relaxed.
Ø Slowly bring back your hands in the middle portion of the chest. Put your right leg to the floor and come back in the starting position.
Ø Repeat the same steps for the other leg.
Ø Repeat the whole process two to three times. 

2. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) 

Dhanurasana helps in controlling blood sugar levels and improves the functioning of pancreas and intestines. By practicing this asana, organs like liver, pancreas and enzyme-producing organs will function actively. 
Ø Lie on your stomach, keep your feet apart and arms by the side of your body.
Ø Hold your ankles by folding your knees.
Ø Breathing in, pull your legs up and lift your chest off the ground. 
Ø Look straight ahead. 
Ø Stay in this position and keep breathing. Your body is now stretched tight as a bow. 
Ø Gently bring your legs and chest back to the ground after 15 -20 seconds, as you exhale.
Ø Release your ankles and relax. 

3. Halasana (Plough Pose) 

Halasana internally massages all the inner organs including the pancreas, thereby stimulating the pancreas, spleen, and activating the immune system. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves kidney and liver functioning. It also refreshes the mind and makes you stress-free.
Ø Lie on your back with your arms beside your body and palms facing downwards. 
Ø As you inhale, lift your feet off the floor using your abdominal muscles. Raise your legs vertically at a right angle. Continue normal breathing and supporting your hips with your hands at the back.
Ø Lift your hips off the ground. 
Ø Sweep your legs in a 180-degree angle over your head until your toes touch the floor. 
Ø At this position, you back will be perpendicular to the floor.
Ø Hold this pose for few seconds and relax your body with low breathing.
Ø Gently bring your legs down to original position on exhalation. While bringing the legs down avoid jerking your body.

4. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Twist Pose) 

Ardha Matsyendrasana benefits the functioning of the kidneys, pancreas, small intestines, gallbladder and liver thereby helping to stimulate digestion and squeeze out toxins. Stimulation of the pancreatic cells makes this asana useful for diabetic people.
Ø Sit on your yoga mat stretching the legs straight.
Ø Fold your right leg and place the right heel to touch the left knee.
Ø Twist your trunk to take the right hand to the back of the waist, spread palms and place it on the yoga mat.
Ø Bring the left hand close to right knee and hold the right ankle or toe with your left hand.
Ø Turn the shoulder and head to the right side and look straight at the right shoulder.

5. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

Suryanamaskar or the sun salutation is considered to be a complete body exercise and thus found to be highly effective exercise for those suffering from diabetes. Surya Namaskar is a set of yoga asanas done in succession that is the easiest and most beneficial for diabetic patients. This series of 12 postures is one of the most favorite ways of improving blood circulation in your body. 
Since it employs various forward and backward bending asanas that flex and stretch the spinal cord, it provides a stretch to the whole body. It is believed to be the best full body workout. It does not only help in reducing weight in diabetic individuals but also helps in keeping away other ailments.
Performing this yoga pose for 15 minutes, every morning can bring a huge difference in increasing the rate of metabolism in the body.

III. Meditation

Meditation reduces stress; makes the mind calm and concentrated. Meditation every day improves irregularity of the insulin hormone, which is very important for diabetic patients. According to a study, it was concluded that there are a significant decrease in the glycosylated hemoglobin and blood sugar levels in Coronary Artery Disease patients, those who are practicing meditation for a period of 6 months and a significant rise in fasting serum insulin levels in CAD patients’ not practicing meditation.
If yoga is adopted in everyday life, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases, which can be beneficial diabetes. At the same time, it helps in lower blood pressure and weight control. Tension or stress is the biggest cause of diabetes where pranayama and meditation are beneficial. 
Regularity is necessary for yogic actions for good results. Practice every day for best results, it may be either in the morning or in the evening, as you feel comfortable. Do not cut it from your morning walk, but do it with the morning walk and beat diabetes. Plan the time and be disciplined on it.

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